Welcome to the Photo Archive of the Astrophysics Group at Clemson University. We have collected some photos of Group Members in action as well as from our travels.
Photo Archive in Nuclear Astrophysics- maintained by Prof. Donald Clayton

Clemson Astro Group students participate in the Clemson Area Amateur Astronomer's (CAAA) Summer Solstice party at the Dixon Lomax observing site in Long Creek, SC. Pictured left to right are: Molly (an Art student at Clemson), and from the Astro Group, Bethany Johns, Adria Updike, Keith Davis, Kirin Garimella, Brian Donehew, Autumn Homewood, and Mark Theiling.

Clemson Astro Group professor Dieter Hartmann and his students Kirin Garimella, Autumn Homewood and Adria Updike visit Dan Reichart's group at UNC Chapel Hill as part of the FUN (Follow-Up Network) collaboration which involves the observatories PROMPT, SOAR, SARA and the telescopes of NOAO.

Graduate student Abigail Daane standing in front of the Cassegrain port of the Keck I telescope. Abby was awarded competitive time on the 10-m Keck I to observe Blue Stragglers in the globular cluster M71. |

Graduate students Abigail Daane and Simon Schuler standing in front of the Keck I primary mirror (measuring 10 m in diameter!). If you look closely, their reflection is visible in the mirror. |

Members of the Clemson GRB group visiting collaborators at the TLS Observatory in Tautenburg, Germany in the Summer of 2005. Pictured from left to right are Dr. Sylvio Klose (TLS), Anna Manning (Clemson), Autumn Homewood (Clemson), Christina Riddle (Clemson), Prof. Dieter Hartmann (Clemson), and Andi Zeh (TLS). |

Members and friends of the Clemson Astronomy Group visited the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI), located near Asheville, NC. The trip was taken on 27 October 2004 to coincide with the total lunar eclipse. More information on PARI can be found here. |

Prof. Jeremy King with his wife Susan and graduate student Simon Schuler enjoying lunch on a break from the Eighth International Symposium on the Nuclei in the Cosmos in Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2004. |

Prof. Dieter Hartmann inspects the Nebra Disk, a 3600-year-old disk depicting bodies seen in the night sky. Prof. Hartmann and Clemson students Stephanie Cortes and Simon Schuler were fortunate enough to have a private viewing of this ancient astronomical artifact while on a trip to Germany in the summer of 2004. More information about the disk can be found here. |

Graduate student Jessica Crist Lair standing in front of her poster at the 203rd AAS meeting in Atlanta, January 2004. Jessica's presentation focused on the unusual supernova 2000cx. |

Graduate student Mark Theiling with his poster at the 203rd AAS meeting in Atlanta. Mark presented his work on the search for 44Ti in the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A |