1980 Donald D. Clayton, Hermann Beer, Franz Kaeppeler and Richard L. Macklin
1981 Kaeppeler, Clayton and Beer s process project
1981 Woosley, Arnett, Fowler and Clayton at the hut
1981 Fowler and Clayton at the hut, Cambridge
1981 Clayton and Fowler in IOA Library
1981 Fred Hoyle returns to Cambridge
1981 Clayton at his Heidelberg desk and s Process
1981 Till Kirsten on telephone in Heidelberg office
1981 Till Kirsten at his desk
1981 Kirsten and Clayton at Kirsten's home
1981 Clayton's Daughter Alia with Ahmed El Goresy
1981 Clayton with Gregor Morfill
1981 Clayton with W. Michael Howard
1981 Clayton with Stan Woosley and Mike Howard
1981 Clayton with Michael J. Newman and W. Michael Howard
1982 Clayton and Space Physics Building
1982 Clayton in Rice Lecture
1982 Clayton in his Rice Office with PC
1982 President of Germany and Clayton
1982 Thielemann and Hillebrandt
1982 Hillebrandt and Clayton
1982 Seeger and Clayton at Neutron 50th
1982 Fowler and Clayton at Neutron 50th
1982 Truran and Clayton at Neutron 50th
1982 Rice Mafia at Mike Howard's Wedding
1983 Salpeter and Clayton at Rice
1983 Salpeter and Clayton in Clayton office
1983 Salpeter and lunch group
1983 Clayton and Nancy in Paris
1983 Audouze and Clayton at IAP
1983 Fowler Nobel Prize
1983 Hillebrandt, Fowler and Clayton
1983 Fowler opening rededicated conference
1983 Cameron lecturing at Fowler conference
1983 Woosley lecturing at Fowler conference
1983 Boyd, Fuller and Clayton at Fowler conference
1983 Grant Mathews and Clayton at Fowler conference
1983 Iben and Clayton at Fowler conference lunch
1983 Group at Yerkes Conference for Fowler
1984 Dufour, Lambert, Clayton and Tomkin
1984 Salpeter and wife with Clayton
1984 Solomon and Clayton at Cornell
1984 Pacini, Ruderman and Clayton at Cornell
1984 Fowler and Clayton at lunch at Cornell
1984 Fowler and Clayton at lunch at Cornell
1985 Zinner and Clayton at Tuscon conference
1985 Zinner and Robert Clayton Wye Workshop on Dust
1985 Group, Wye Workshop on Dust
1985 Lattimer and Clayton at Wye
1985 Snow and Clayton at Wye
1985 Clayton, Clayton, Kerridge, Wood at Wye
1985 Walker and Clayton at Wye Workshop
1985 Hoyle and Clayton at Rice
1985 Hoyle and Clayton atop downtown Houston
1985 Hoyle in Clayton's Rice Office
1985 Kirsten and Clayton in Heidelberger Wald
1985 Ringberg Workshop
1985 Hillebrandt and Ringberg Group on Taubenstein
1986 Leising and Clayton at Rice
1986 Pantelaki and Clayton in Clayton office
1986 Clube, Stuhlinger and Clayton at Comet Return
1986 McVittie and Clayton at Comet Sample Return
1986 Begemann, Clayton and Hutchison in Canterbury
1986 Leising and Clayton at Leising PhD
1986 Erice School on Nuclear Astrophysics
1987 Wolfendale and Clayton in Durham UK
1987 Wolfendale and Clayton in office
1988 Clayton in Rice Office
1988 Clayton poster at Austin AAS Meeting
1988 Clayton elected to Cosmos Club
1988 Michel and Clayton at Rice
1988 Donald Clayton at age fifty-three
1989 Rice Department farewell to Clayton
2000 Clayton and Hoyle in Bournemouth
2000 Clayton and Turner in the Peak District
2000 Lih-Sin The and Mounib El Eid in Clemson
2000 Clayton and Mounib El Eid
2000 Lih-Sin The at Clayton's Home
2000 Massive-Star Evolution Team at Clemson
2000 Isotopic Anomaly Workshop at Clemson
2000 Zinner and Clayton at Isotopic Anomaly Workshop
2001 Till Kirsten and Clayton at Kirsten's new home
2001 Clayton and Kirsten at Heidelberg Academy
2001 Clayton and Kirsten at Schwetzingen Palace
2001 Till Kirsten and wife Emiko at Schwetzingen
2001 Clemson's Leising, Hartmann and Clayton at Ringberg
2001 Amari, Hartmann and others in Ringberg
2001 Mark Leising presenting at Ringberg
2001 Clayton and Peter Hoeflich at Ringberg
2001 Clayton and Chevalier at Ringberg
2001 Clayton and Nikos Prantzos at Ringberg
2001 Clemson Astrophysics at the pub
2001 Clemson Astrophysics at the pub
2001 El Eid, Clayton and The at dinner
2001 Mounib El Eid relaxes
2001 Ethan Deneault and Clayton
2002 Simmerer and Clayton at AAS
2002 Clayton at Clemson
2002 Simmerer and Sneden at AAS
2002 Mathews and Clayton at AAS
2002 Mark Leising paper at AAS
2002 Ethan Deneault paper at AAS
2002 Lih-Sin The paper at AAS
2002 Margaret Burbidge and Clayton at AAS
2002 OSSE Team at Washington AAS
2002 Chris Fryer and Dieter Hartmann
2002 Chris Fryer at Clemson
2002 Chris Fryer and Mark Leising
2002 Jeremy King and Donald Clayton
2002 Dieter Hartmann lecturing in class
2002 Diehl and Clayton in Clayton's garden
2002 Nuclear and Gamma Ray Astrophysics at Clemson
2002 Group at 12th annual Workshop
2002 Table group at 12th Workshop Banquet
2002 Table group at 12th Workshop Banquet
2002 Table group at 12th Workshop Banquet
2003 Jerry Fishman and Don Clayton in
2003 Jerry Fishman and Don Clayton in
Fishman's study
2003 Clayton, Pagel and Nomoto in Carnegie Obs.
2003 Nittler and Clayton at Carnegie Symposium IV
2003 Bernard Pagel and Margaret Burbidge at Carnegie IV
2003 Roberto Gallino and Maurizio Busso at Carnegie IV
2003 Starrfield, Cowan and Travaglio at Carnegie IV
2003 Simmerer and Sneden at Carnegie IV
2004 Kirsten and Clayton in Charleston
2004 Donald D. Clayton with Roberto Gallino
2007 Clayton lectures on B2FH at Caltech
2008 Kirsten and Claytons at Mannheim opera
2008 Don Clayton in front of Mt Washington
2011 Kurt Liffman with Donald Clayton
2011 Donald Clayton in Melbourne (AU)
2012 Deneault, Clayton and Dwek in Ascona
2012 Clayton, Zinner and Nittler in Ascona
2012 Clayton and Zinner in Ascona
2014 K.-L. Kratz at Clemson with Hartmann and Clayton
PhotoArchive images may be used for personal, noncommercial purposes. These include the preparation of course or instructional materials by teachers and students which are clearly not for profit. Express permission for such uses is not required. However, please include the following credit line wherever an image is used: COURTESY OF CLEMSON UNIVERSITY AND (NAME OF PHOTOGRAPHER). In all cases except where explicitly noted, the photograph is the property of Donald D. Clayton, whose name would be used in the Acknowledgement. Permission is also granted for publication in scholarly manuscripts and textbooks. No rights are granted for other COMMERCIAL projects. For those explicit permission must be obtained in writing or email from Donald D. Clayton, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University, Clemson SC 29634-1911. Email to cdonald@clemson.edu.
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